Upcoming Classes & Counseling Groups

FREE Monthly Parenting Class

Join us for a FREE class for caregivers based on positive parenting and the principles of Trust-Based Relational Intervention (TBRI). This class is offered monthly, online. 

Led by Jenna Fleming, LPC and TBRI practitioner

Who: Parents and Caregivers

Upcoming Classes:

  • Thursday, April 10: TBRI Overview, ages 4-15
  • Wednesday, May 7: TBRI principles with big kids & teens, ages 7-18

Cost: $0

When: Thursdays once per month from 11:30 am – 1 pm

Location: Online.  Must Register to Receive Link

FREE Support Class for Parents of Graduating High Schoolers

Join us for a FREE class for parents of graduating seniors in high school.  Our time will be focused on healthy boundaries, self-care, navigating this new stage of parenting a young adult and building supportive connections.

Led by Jenna Fleming, LPC and TBRI practitioner

Who: Parents and Caregivers

Upcoming Class:

  • Tuesday, May 13th 11:30 am – 1:00 pm, virtual

Cost: $0

Location: Online.  Must Register to Receive Link

Summer Group: Transition to Middle School with Confidence

The transition from elementary to middle school is a big step.  This fun, experiential group is designed for that special group of tweens who are preparing to start their middle school journey this fall!  Transitioning to Middle School with Confidence will help your middle schooler build the tools and inner confidence to navigate a successful middle school transition.

Led by clinical interns, Joshua Fleming & Kate Benton, supervised by Traci Marant, LPC-S

Who: For tweens who are entering middle school  fall 2025

Focus of Group:

Monday: Healthy life habits

Tuesday: Healthy boundaries

Wednesday:  Healthy coping skills

Thursday:  Healthy work habits

Friday:  Healthy self esteem


Cost: $150 for the week-long group


  • June 9-13
  • 3:30-5:30pm

Location: Our Georgetown Office